Development Environment

Source Code, Compilers, and System Generator

Download SDVOS Source Code

The SDVOS kernel and system generator source code is hosted at Github. You can clone the project on a Unix like system by doing the following:

bash$ git clone

When this is done, you should have a directory called "sdvos" with the following contents:

            ├── apps
            │   ├── blink
            │   ├── can
            │   ├── hello
            │   └── spi
            ├── src
            │   ├── apps -> ../apps/hello
            │   ├── arch
            │   │   ├── armv7m
            │   │   ├── avr5
            │   │   └── linux
            │   ├── board
            │   │   ├── ARDUINO_UNO
            │   │   ├── LINUX
            │   │   ├── NUCLEOF401RE
            │   │   ├── NUCLEOF411RE
            │   │   ├── STM32F4DISCOVERY
            │   │   └── STM32VLDISCOVERY
            │   ├── drivers
            │   │   ├── can
            │   │   ├── spi
            │   │   └── uart
            │   └── include
            │       ├── arch
            │       │   ├── armv7m
            │       │   ├── avr5
            │       │   ├── i386
            │       │   └── linux
            │       ├── autosar
            │       ├── drivers
            │       │   └── nucleof4
            │       └── osek
            └── tools
                └── sdvgen
                    ├── man
                    └── src
                        └── include

The kernel source is located in the src directory. You can see architecture specific files, board specific files, and drivers here. The system generator is in the tools/sdvgen directory. It is a Linux application written in C, Lex, and Yacc. I will cover the compilation and installation of the system generator later in the tutorials. The apps directory contains example applications. To develop an application for SDVOS, you have to create a directory call apps inside the kernel src directory. You can copy one of the examples into the src directory. For example, if you want to try the hello example application, you can do the following:

bash$ cp -a apps/hello src/apps

Optionally, you can create a link:

bash$ ln -s apps/hello src/apps

This will create a link as shown in the source tree above. I will cover more about how to develop applications and compile the kernel in later tutorials. Now that you have the source code downloaded, let's install the tools needed to configure and compile the kernel in the next tutorial.