Tutorials and Documentations. Help you get started quickly.

Follow the tutorials and read the documentations. You will be able to develop your own application, configure, and bootstrap SDVOS on your development board in no time!

Tools and Standards. Help you port and develop apps.

Even though not officially certified, SDVOS supports all OSEK OS interfaces and some of the AUTOSAR OS interfaces. This helps you learn and develop your own applications. System configuration tools are also freely available.

Free and Open. SDVOS is free and open source.

The SDVOS kernel and the system configration tools are all published under GPLv3 license. Enjoy the freedom and power of the open platform!

Cross Platform. Multiple architectures and boards.

SDVOS has been ported to multiple MCU architectures including AVR5 and ARMv7-M. Try SDVOS today on your Nucleo boards, Arduino UNO, and Discovery boards. No boards? You can also run SDVOS as a process in Linux.